Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Happy Anniversary, Blog!

One year ago today I posted my very first blog post. I had no idea how the blog would change my life. It became therapy for me, and it made it so much easier for my friends and family to know what was happening in our world. I am so thankful for everyone that reads and keeps up with us. I'm thankful for everyone that checks in with me. I'm thankful for the infertility blogs I have found that helped me through some of the hardest times. 

Happy Anniversary, Blog! Cheers to many more!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

17 Weeks

I wasn't supposed to have an appointment today, but after a series of really bad dreams and some minor cramping, I called Dr. G to see if I could come in just to hear the heartbeat. I knew everything was okay, but I just needed that reassurance. I went in this morning and I'm pretty sure it took 5 hours to find the heart beat (he said it was more like 30 seconds), but he finally found it. Baby is sitting in my lower right side and was moving around quite a bit, but the heartbeat sounded perfect at about 145bpm. I cannot wait until next Wednesday when we get to see Baby again.

Monday, June 17, 2013

16 Week Bumpdate

Sorry to leave you all hanging on Baby's gender, but we're still not ready to tell. We have decided to wait until our 18 week sono before we really share the news. We feel like 15 weeks was still pretty early, and while we DO NOT CARE either way what we're having, we just want to be sure before telling the world!!!

In other news, I am feeling great! I honestly forget that I'm pregnant until I look down and see a larger than usual belly! I do still get tired in the afternoon/evenings, and my boobs are still sore and swollen sometimes, and I am still getting random feelings of nausea, but all in all I'm really feeling good. I hope it continues! We're going to San Diego in 2.5 weeks and I'm hoping to have all that 2nd trimester energy they talk about!

How far along? 16 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Around 5 pounds
Maternity clothes? My pants won't button! I've bought a few things, and have had some wonderful friends share their maternity clothes!
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Sleep: I sleep okay until I wake up to pee, then I have hard time going back to sleep. My snoogle helps though.
Best moment this week: Hitting the 16 week mark! For some reason I have been really looking forward to 16 weeks for this entire pregnancy, and I'm here!!!
Miss Anything? Modelo Especial with a lime. And sandwiches!
Movement: Not yet...
Food cravings: Not really! Fruit has really been hitting the spot lately, but I've always loved fruit!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: Yes, I definitely have a belly. It looks more like I ate too much though!
Gender prediction: We shall see...
Labor Signs: No!
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy for the most part. The moodiness sets in when I start getting anxious or thinking about things too much, so I try to stay away from those thoughts.
Looking forward to: JULY 3RD when we get to see Baby again and confirm the gender!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

15 Week Checkup

We are on Cloud 9. We had our 15 week checkup today and this was the first appointment I have gone to where they weren't going to do a sonogram... what??!! I'm so used to having them every time I go in! We heard the heartbeat and were just fine with that, until Dr. G said that if we wanted, we could pay $75 for a sonogram and find out the gender. We decided to go for it!

They did a belly sono this time. After about 10 minutes of trying to get Baby to cooperate, they had me roll around on the table, get up to pee, and finally asked me to go drink a coke to see if Baby would uncross its legs!! The entire sono took about 30 minutes! I'm not surprised at all that Baby was being stubborn. Finally, they got a decent shot, and said there was no doubt in what they were seeing.

In fact, it's 99-100% confirmed that BABY RAY IS A...

Well, we haven't shared the gender with our family and friends yet, so stay tuned. But we couldn't be more thrilled.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

7 More Sleeps

Only 7 more sleeps until we get to see Baby again! I am so anxious and ready. I just like that reassurance I feel after seeing Baby in there all wiggly and cute. :)

I have been a bit bothered lately, though. I thought this would feel different. I always imagined telling people that we were finally pregnant and being on top of the world, excited, and just over the moon. I definitely have all of those feelings, but why am I also still so scared ? Is this normal? I'm just so afraid something will go wrong. We announced to everyone over Memorial Day weekend- friends, family, Facebook, work, etc. Everyone knows now, and for some reason that scares me. The support and excitement for us has been more than I ever could have imagined, which has been wonderful and refreshing. I just wish I could get past this fear of something bad happening to Baby. It's out of my control and I know that, so I need to just let it go... besides the fact that I have no reason at all to think anything bad will happen. Baby has been growing exactly how it should since day 1!!! I don't know if it's part of being pregnant after this journey we have been on, or maybe all pregnant women feel this way. Or maybe it's hormones. If you have any advice, please share. Right now I'm living on prayers and deep breaths!!